The Illuminist


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 Our 6 month online program is for Conscious Leaders, Change-Agents, Visionaries and Entrepreneurs who wish to embody their authentic expression, heal the imbalances of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, so they can lead their community as a Conscious Leader, and create the solution they wish to create in the world through their purpose-lead business.

This program will support the Divine Intelligence of the Awakened Kundalini to be the leading driving force to birth your unique soul purpose, access higher creative potentials and miracles to support your vision for your life being actualised.

The theme for this leadership mastermind is “Sacred Union”. Sacred Union, is the unification of the polarities of the masculine and feminine within. This supports an individual to become a master of attraction, as one has balanced the cosmic forces of creation within, and healed the wounded states of these energies, now using the secrets of awakened kundalini for higher creative and evolutionary purposes.


Joshua’s 25+ years experience has positioned him as the leading expert in the neuro-biology of the Kundalini energy system in the world, as a thought leader who has come to support humanity to awaken to their inner Androgynous state through the Aquarian Cycle.

Joshua will be sharing his knowledge of Kundalini and it’s link to higher consciousness within the brain, higher levels of emotional maturity, cognitive functioning, creating and holding wealth, and your creative evolutionary potential to achieving your soul destiny, and the inner union of the Polarities of Masculine and Feminine.

Joshua’s weekly energetic clearing and healing sessions will support you to regain the consciousness of Divine Androgyny. It will assist you in naturally awakening the inner Kundalini by upgrading the physical, emotional, mental and psychic bodies through Kundalini Shakitpat Transmissions and Neuro-Androgyny® Energy Intervention attunements to change the Neuro-pathways of the brain, revealing to a person his or her Divinity

As an Illuminist, Joshua has the ability to bring into the light those parts of Self that dwells in separation consciousness. He bridges his awakened consciousness into his clients system and then lights up and reintegrates those soul parts that are at war with one's own inner Divine Essence. 

He has the ability to illuminate Divine Intelligence into the Kundalini system, the Divine Asleep within, and to awaken the potential birth of the Sacred unification and alchemical inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. His purpose is to guide Souls back home, back to the original Androgynous state, back to our Eternal Mother- where we came from -  balanced within our own inner polarities, free from the everlasting cycle of suffering, in Sacred Union with Self.